April 21, 2000
Calendar listings are free!
To list your non-profit group or club's events, send the date, time, location and contact phone to P.O. Box 5426, Cleveland, Ohio 44101, or fax to 216-631-1052, or e-mail to calendars @chronohio.com. Each week's calendar shows events in the upcoming two weeks, plus selected later events. But it's never too early to send in a calendar item; listings for months into the future are posted on our web site www.gay peopleschronicle.com. Deadline for each week's calendar is noon on Thursday of the previous week.
Friday, April 21
Good Friday Service, 8 pm, Emmanuel Fellowship Church, 60 N Arlington St, Akron, 330-497-1203.
Good Friday Service, 7 pm, Eternal Joy. Church, 1630 E Fifth St, Dayton, 937228-4031.
"A Desired Past" by Leila Rupp, Ph.D, sponsored by Lesbian Business Association, all women welcome, 7:30 pm, LBA office, 19 W. Brighton, Clintonville (Columbus), 614267-3953.
Friday to Sunday, April 21 to 23
12th Gulf Coast Womyn's Festival, S95-$225 sliding scale, Camp Sister Spirit, Ovett, Mississippi. 601-344-1411 or sisterspiru aol.com.
Saturday, April 22
Holy Saturday Prayer Vigil, time to be announced, Emmanuel Fellowship Church, 60 N Arlington St, Akron, 330-497-1203. "Rock-n-Bowl" to benefit GIFT, the Gay Invitational Fellowship Tournament, check in at 9:30 pm, bowling begins at 10 pm, $15 with free parking and shoes, Westgate Lanes, 21329 Center Ridge Road, Rocky River (Cleveland), 330-689-0274, 216-749-2152, or 330865-9763.
Sunday, April 23
Easter Festival Worship, 11 am, Hope Lutheran Church, 2222 N Taylor Rd, Cleveland Hts., 216-371-5252.
Easter Sunday Service, 8 pm, Emmanuel Fellowship Church, 60 N Arlington St, Akron, 330-497-1203.
Monday, April 24
HIV and AIDS Passover Seder, sponsored by Jewish Family Services Association, 6:30 pm, no charge, reservations required, Park Synagogue, 3300 Mayfield Rd, Cleveland Hts, 216-292-3999.
Tuesday, April 25
Dinner and Social, hosted by AIDS Volunteers of Northern Kentucky, new monthly time and location, 6 pm, free, Trinity Episcopal Church, 4th St. and Madison Ave, Covington, Ky. (Cincinnati), 606-372-6867. Wednesday, April 26
Cleveland Pride organizing committee, 7 pm, Progressive Urban Real Estate, 4001 Detroit Ave, 216-371-0214.
Friday, April 28
P-FLAG National Conference, Parents and Families of Lesbians and Gays, 9 am registration, $250 members, $280 non-members, Crystal Gateway Marriott, 1700 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, Va., info@pflag.org or http://www.pflag.org. Gay Holocaust Victim Symposium, part of the Millennium March on Washington weekend, free, 10 am, tickets must be reserved in advance, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, Washington D.C., 202-488-6133 or e-mail ahollingeru ushmm.org.
Millenium March Lobby Day, training on how to lobby representatives, 9 am, Methodist Church on First Street and Maryland Street N.E.; Washington, D.C.
Twice Blessed Reception, for GLBT Jews, 6 pm, S20, Jewish Community Center in DuPont Circle; Washington, D.C.; e-mail twiceblessed (@hotmail.com.
Youth Dance, benefit for Youth Pride Alliance of Washington D.C., 10 pm, S5, 24 and under, information at http://www.youth pridec.org, or call 703-518-0631.
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Friday to Sunday, April 28 to 30
COMIC Bowling Tournament, Columbus Ohio Midwest Invitational Classic; 614251-2263, 614-224-1574, or 614-443-5399. or http://www.comic-online.org.
Saturday, April 29
Reception and Art Sale, reception 6-9 pm, art sale 8 pm, part of the proceeds to benefit AIDS Volunteers of Cincinnati, Jacobs on the Avenue, 4029 Hamilton Ave, Cincinnati, 513591-2100 or dnewman@nkyhealth.org.
"Fables on Tables" black-tie dinner dance, sponsored by AIDS Foundation Miami Valley, 7 pm, $200, Ponitz Center, Sinclair Community College, 444 West 3rd St, Dayton, 937-461-2437.
Millenium Medical Marijuana March noon rally at Lafayette Park, 3 pm march, 4 pm medical rights rally and concert at Henry Bacon Ball Field, Washington, D.C. 310453-2700.
Youth United-A National Youth Rally, 3 pm-4:30 pm, center of DuPont Circle, Washington, D.C., 202-332-9262, http:// www.rainbowvoice.com/youthunited or YouthUnited2000@hotmail.com.
"The Wedding: Now More than Ever," mass same-gender wedding, S25 for couple registration, 10:45 am, Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C., 310-360-8640 http:// www.ufmcc.com/wedding1.htm.
"Queer Moon Ball on the Avenue," part of the Millenium Festival, 8 pm, $5, Pennsylvania Ave between 3rd and 4th, Washington D.C., 202-776-0100 or http://www.milleniumproductions.net
"Equality Rocks” concert sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign, 6 pm (gates open at 4:30), tickets $35-$1,000, Robert F. Kennedy Stadium, E Capitol and 22nd Sts, NE, Washington D.C., for tickets 800-551-7328, · http://www.hrc.org.
"Venus Rising” Dykes' Dance & Cabaret, 9 pm to 3 am, $20 advance and $25 at door, Washington Plaza Hotel, 10 Thomas Circle, Washington D.C., 202-728-7565.
Dungeon Dance 2000, leather-fetish S&M event, 10 pm-4am, $20 in advance, S25 at
Tuesday, May 2
Love Stories, AIDS awareness week dance concert, 7 pm, $7 adult, $5 students and seniors, Waetjen Auditorium, Cleveland State University Music and Communication Building, information or reservations call Lynn Deering at 216-687-4883.
Pizza Sale, to benefit the Gay-Straight Alliance of Cuyahoga Community College, 11:30 am, 2900 Community College Ave, Humanities Building Lobby, 216-589-0604 or http:// www.geocities.com/gsa_us/.
Wednesday, May 3
Reaching the Life Current Within, women's self-help workshop sponsored by Women's Outreach for Women, free, 7 pm, 1950-H North Fourth St, Columbus, 614-291-3639 to register. Cleveland Pride Meeting, 7 pm, new Cleveland Lesbian-Gay Center location at 6600 Detroit Ave; 216-371-0214.
Friday and Saturday, May 5 and 6
Second National Conference on Aging in the LGBT Communities: "Out of the ClosetInto the Future: Midlife and Aging in Gay America," sponsored by Senior Action in a Gay Environment, and Ravazzin Center for Social Work Research in Aging, Fordham University, New York City, 212-741-2247 or sageusa.aol.com
Saturday, May 6
Reading by Justin Chin, gay performance poet, 7 pm, $5, Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art, 8501 Carnegie Ave, Cleveland, 216-421-8671, ext. 44.
Sunday, May 7
AIDS Walk Central Ohio, benefits area AIDS service organizations, festival begins 11 am, opening ceremonies 1:30 pm, step off 2 pm at Bicentennial Park, Columbus, 614-447-5050 or http://www.aids walkcentralohio.org/. Hike the Black River Park with Cleveland Out and About, I pm, meet at the Day's Dam parking lot, Lorain County, 216-556-4832 for directions, or Clevelandoutdrs(@aol.com.
door. Club Element, 714 6th St NW. Highlights of upcoming weeks
Washington D.C., 202-331-4455
Gay and Lesbian Medical Association conference, 12:30-5 pm, George Washington University, Washington D.C., 415-255-4547 ext. 311 or http://www.gmla.org.
Bisexual Community Activism conference, sponsored by Bisexual Insurgence, 10:30am-3 pm, Jewish Community Center. 16th and Q Streets N.W., Washington, D.C.; registration cost $25 to $40, 301-891-7428 or www.bisexualinsurgence.org.
Big Bi Bash: party at private residence sponsored by Bisexual Insurgence, 9 pm, $5, 7503 Palmer Lane, Takoma Park, Md. (Washington), 301-891-7428.
Saturday and Sunday, April 29-30
Millenium Festival, sponsored by the Millenium March on Washington for Equality, 11 am-8 pm, $5 suggested donation, Pennsylvania Ave between 3rd and 9th, Washington D.C., 202-776-0100 or http:// www.millenium-productions.net.
Sunday, April 30
Millenium March on Washington, 8 am line up at the Ellipse. 10 am march to rally at the National Mall from noon to 6 pm; free, 202-467-8100 Monday to Sunday, May 1 to /
Pridefest America, symposium and festival with programs on arts, entertainment, civil rights, education, sports and politics, downtown Philadelphia, 800-990-3378 or http:/ pridefestamerica.com.
Monday, May 1
Vigil for our Children, speak out against hate crimes and teen suicide, co-sponsored by P-FLAG Cleveland and the Reconciling Ministries of East Ohio, 6 pm, East 9th and Lakeside Avenue, Cleveland, 216-556-1701. Men in Touch, personal growth program for gay and bisexual men sponsored by Community AIDS Network, 7 pm, first of seven weekly meetings, 667 North Main Street. Akron, for information call 330-375-2000
For a detailed list of events extending months into the future, see our web site: www.gaypeopleschronicle.com
Saturday, May 13
Human Rights Campaign Dinner honoring award recipients Akron and Cleveland PFLAG, 5:30 pm, $150 before April 1, $175 thereafter, Landerhaven Grand Ballroom, 6111 Landerhaven Dr., Mayfield Hts, (Cleveland), 440-779-6444, or http://www.hrccleveland.org; for tickets 800-494-8497.
Saturday, June 3
Y2Pride Prom, LGBT youth prom held by PRYSM, 20 and under only, $10 individual tickets, $15 for couples, tickets must be purchased by May 20, 7 pm, Cleveland Lesbian-Gay Center, 6600 Detroit Ave, Cleveland, 216-522-1999.
Saturday, June 10
Human Rights Campaign Dinner, 6 pm, Al Franken will speak, tickets, $100 to $185, include HRC membership, Columbus Convention Center, 614-265-7303 or
Sunday, June 11
Cincinnati Gay Pride Parade, meet at the Gazebo in Burnet Woods at 11 am for rally, parade steps off at noon, ends at Hoffner Park in Northside with community picnic and information fair, 513389-9182, http://home.fuse.net/cincypride/ or billygu concentric.net for info and to register floats.
Saturday, June 17
Dayton Pride 2000, business and non-profit expo at 5 pm followed by dinner and dancing. $26 until May 15, $31 until June 15, Thomato's, 110 North Main Street. Dayton; 937-298-1914.
Saturday, June 24
Cleveland Pride Parade and Festival, parade steps off from Cleveland State University, festival at Voinovich Park; 216-371-0214, http://www.clevelandpride.org.
Columbus Pride Parade and Festival, postparade festival at Bicentennial Park; 614299-7764.
Compiled by Anthony Glassman